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Current Exhibit

422 University Ave Suite 14, 
Saint Paul, MN 55125

Sat - Sun    10:00am - 3:00pm
Mon - Fri   CLOSED


Celebrate 50 Years of Southeast Asians in Minnesota

Image by Jacob Padilla

10 Exhibits w/ Hmong, Khmer, Lao, and Vietnamese Artists 

Healing and joy are at the forefront of XIA's celebration of Southeast Asians in Minnesota, alongside our recognition and honor for the immense violence, struggles, and institutional inequities that Southeast Asian refugees experienced in the last half century. Often tied to an identity of war and trauma, Southeast Asians carry a heavy burden of honoring their history and balancing that with creating a new legacy of healing and joy, especially as members of the diaspora. We will never forget our history of experiencing genocide and being refugees, and we will let that inspire our efforts to embrace our multidimensional existence. Our celebration of this anniversary shares our hope and growth for a brighter future, while also holding space to grieve our past.

What Southeast Asians selflessly offer to our home in Minnesota is a strong sense of community, a determination for cultural preservation, resilience against displacement and resettlement. Most remarkably Southeast Asians offer inspiration and hope that healing, joy, and unity are attainable. All of this fosters an enduring human spirit, reminding us that humanity is ever present when you live with love for the people around you. We hope you will experience this love and community in our celebration of the 50th anniversary of Southeast Asians in Minnesota too. 

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A creative space to support the entrepreneurship of Asian and BIPOC artists & makers.

Gift Shop & Products

Every gift shop purchase

supports the economic

growth of an artist

upcoming events &
creative workshops

Asian & BIPOC Artsts

Visual Artist / Sticker Maker

Asian & BIPOC Artsts

Visual Artist / Activist

Asian & BIPOC Artsts

Visual Artist

Asian & BIPOC Artsts

Bee Farmer / Cosmetics Maker

meet the artists

We collaborate with over 100+ Asian and BIPOC artists! Interested in collaborating or commissioning with them? Contact us and we'll connect you!

Gift Shop & Products
Gift Shop & Products

"Culture produces economic value and strength that communities of color should not ignore when building and creating economic value & development . . . Arts & culture really increases our visibility and our impact in every positive way by sharing our culture with everyone."

Va Megn Thoj, Executive Director of AEDA

This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the Minnesota State Arts Board, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage


This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the

Minnesota State Arts Board, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund

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creative workshop

Make your own pop out snake books

Sun. Feb 16th   |   1PM - 3PM

Free & RSVP

Tue, Apr 02   |   4PM - 6PM

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creative workshop

Hmong Basic Cross Stitching Class

Sun. Feb 23rd    |   10:30AM - 12PM



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creative workshop

Kids Clay Workshop:

Animal Themed Worry Stone

Sat. March 1st   |   1PM - 3PM


Tue, Apr 02   |   4PM - 6PM

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